Old Palace Alumnae
We are delighted to bring you the latest edition of the OPA newsletter, with news and pictures from our most recent events. Read it here:
The John Whitgift Foundation have also written to the OPA. You can read their recent open letters here:
4th February 2025 24th February 2025
Staying Connected
From June 2025, the OPA plan to take over the management of the alumnae contact data, so that they can keep in touch with news and updates. They require your permission to do this.
This is very quick and easy. You can complete this short online form via this button:
Opt in to the new OPA contact database HERE

We hope to see you on 1st July for our Open House Day. A final chance to visit Old Palace School.
Events & News
Keep up to date with a round up of all the news in our regular school newsletter, Around the Palace.
Staying Connected
Work has been continuing behind the scenes to ensure the smooth transition of communications this summer – from the school, to the direct ownership of the OPA committee. The OPA is creating a new secure database to store your contact data and they require your permission. This is very quick and easy to do - by completing a short online form via this button.
Opt in to the new OPA contact database HEREIn Memoriam
Remembering Elianne
In Memoriam: Meredith Kercher
OPA Pays Tribute to HM, Queen Elizabeth II
Careers and networking
Here you’ll have the chance to explore careers and network within the OPA.
Visit our LinkedinContact Us
If you have any queries regarding the Old Palace Alumnae, please get in touch with us through social media or our contact page.
Make an enquiry