Pastoral Care

Every Child Matters

We recognise that a child’s health, happiness and well-being is essential if they are to thrive at school. That is why our absolute priority is to provide outstanding pastoral care for all our pupils. It is important that every child’s strengths and talents (whatever that might be) are recognised and nurtured, so we have created an environment in which all pupils can shine and are noticed for every achievement, whether it is big or small. We are incredibly ambitious for our girls and inspire them to be the very best they can be.

Our character development programme is an intrinsic part of our curriculum and is carefully woven in to the fabric of school life. Pupils leave Old Palace Prep having received a first class education and with the interpersonal skills to successfully navigate our complex and ever-changing world.

School/Parent Partnership

We are very committed to the School/Parent partnership and its proven impact on pupil learning. Parents will receive a pack of information at the beginning of each topic which includes a book list, glossary, a list of home learning projects for self-directed topic homework and a knowledge organiser, outlining what will be taught and assessed. At the end of each half term, pupils log what they have learnt, as well as anything they would like to find out, and we assess their knowledge and understanding of each topic.

The House System

When girls start at the Pre or Prep School, they will be put in one of the Four Old Palace Houses:

  • Anselm
  • Hatton
  • Laud
  • Stafford

These are like an extended family and ensure that pupils mix across the different year groups; it’s where firm friendships are formed between younger and older pupils. This extends to Sports Day, where the four houses compete against each other in good-natured, but none-the-less competitive races in front of family and friends.

“We place a particular emphasis on kindness and good manners.”

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