Our Year 9 students have been learning about earthquakes in Geography this term, so when the recent devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria, a group of the students were motivated to organise a fundraising bake sale in support of the relief efforts. They did a fantastic job – raising £184 from their homemade cakes and Mrs Beeharry’s Buba teas. Thank you to everyone for supporting their bake sale!
All funds have been sent to the DEC Turkey-Syria appeal: https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/turkey-syria-earthquake-appeal?gclid=CjwKCAiA3pugBhAwEiwAWFzwdR84kHEyvDwgAgElHTDuk-ZI_aCktF9jbl1ArXqKqzkjuXCwAHcvRhoCOckQAvD_BwE